Compare Method
+ Face to face meeting
Open and Distance Learning (ODL)
There are no physical face-to-face meetings. Instead, they are replaced with synchronous sessions using Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams. Typically the number of synchronous classes for a three-credit hour course is six times. Each meeting is for 2 hours which makes a total of 12 hours.
+ Frequency of face-to-face meetings
Open and Distance Learning (ODL)
There are no physical face-to-face meetings. Instead, they are replaced with synchronous sessions using Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams. Typically the number of synchronous classes for a three-credit hour course is six times. Each meeting is for 2 hours which makes a total of 12 hours.
+ Learning approach / feature
Open and Distance Learning (ODL)
There are no physical face-to-face meetings. Instead, they are replaced with synchronous sessions using Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams. Typically the number of synchronous classes for a three-credit hour course is six times. Each meeting is for 2 hours which makes a total of 12 hours.
+ Number of assignments (Continuous assessment)
Open and Distance Learning (ODL)
There are no physical face-to-face meetings. Instead, they are replaced with synchronous sessions using Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams. Typically the number of synchronous classes for a three-credit hour course is six times. Each meeting is for 2 hours which makes a total of 12 hours.
+ Final Examination (Summative)
Open and Distance Learning (ODL)
There are no physical face-to-face meetings. Instead, they are replaced with synchronous sessions using Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams. Typically the number of synchronous classes for a three-credit hour course is six times. Each meeting is for 2 hours which makes a total of 12 hours.
+ Semester System
Open and Distance Learning (ODL)
There are no physical face-to-face meetings. Instead, they are replaced with synchronous sessions using Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams. Typically the number of synchronous classes for a three-credit hour course is six times. Each meeting is for 2 hours which makes a total of 12 hours.